2/22/17 | Digital Space & Difficult History: Curating The African American and Holocaust Museums

Digital Space & Difficult History: Curating The African American and Holocaust Museums

Digital Space and Difficult HistoryWednesday, February 22, 2017
4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Kresge Town Hall, UC Santa Cruz

The new National Museum of African American History and Culture and the US Holocaust Memorial Museum both translate difficult, often traumatic, histories into museum exhibitions and invite audiences of all ages to contend with narratives of struggle, oppression, violence, and silence. Digital content has connected these museums to audiences beyond Washington and created opportunities for synthesis, remembrance and reflection.

Join us for a discussion between Angel Nieves (consultant for the “Power of Place” exhibit at the National Museum of African American History and Culture) and Michael Berenbaum (project director of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum) about building museums, engaging the public, and representing difficult memories on the Washington Mall. They will examine the role of museums in today’s post-fact world and the potential for digital tools to reimagine how museums speak to their audiences.

This event is free and open to the public.

Co-sponsored by: Center for Jewish Studies, IHR Digital Humanities Research Cluster, and Digital Scholarship Commons, with support from the Koret Foundation.

Digital Space and Difficult History: Curating the African American and Holocaust Museums from IHR on Vimeo.